Bravo Kristi, this is SO good! I love that you have nailed down why you're here and what you stand for. You are doing for diet culture what Valerie Monroe (formerly of O Magazine) who writes HNTFUYF here on Substack, is doing for beauty culture, you are teaching us to look at the person behind the body, or the wrinkles or whatever.

For many decades I would not leave the house without my glasses because I strongly dislike the dark circles that live under my eyes. They are not becuase I am tired but are hereditary due to my skin make up and the underlying vasculature. It took me decades to be okay with them! Hearing you proclaim what you are doing brought this to mind, if I had read your work back then I would have arrived at a place of balance much sooner!


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So many good things in the post. My biggest takeaway is about how important others support is around changing your personal narrative about food and your body. When we talk to others about the remarks, conversations, & "well meaning" comments that we absorb (especially during the holidays) it helps us understand how we see ourselves and how to change our self talk. Especially the Power of Now exercises to bring mindfulness to how we eat. Thank you!

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Would you say that “The Power of Now” is focused on Zen philosophy and stoicism, at least as far as the overall strategy?

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Well, I'm no expert in Zen philosophy or stoicism, so I can't say for sure, but it appears to borrow from many flavors of religion and philosophy.

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