Krist I love EVERYTHING about this! Your office -- and that big blue piece are fantastic. So much fun that Farrah's last post inspired me and that inspired you. That's the fun stuff right there. Thanks for writing this. And great job with the radio interview!

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Your new office is beautiful and that art work--incredible! The whole sky right on your wall complete with shifting clouds in the sunlight! I have my first-ever apartment, in my first full post-divorce year, and I have had so much fun bringing in the colors and fabrics and accessories and decor that I love. I used to give my ex the lead in decorating our homes--he had good instincts and he put in most of the carpentry work--but now--every decision is mine and I love it! I have never felt such good energy in a space. The feng shui feels very positive. It's not Marie Kondo neat-as-a-pin decor, because that's not me, I am not a minimalist but every object has meaning for me, and there are books simply everywhere. To me books are the most essential part of any home. Lots and lots of them! I am old fashioned and they have to be the physical variety. When I moved I had to part with some of them, no longer having a house to fill with books, but a one bedroom apartment. I donated them lovingly to the library and this time, Marie Kondo-inspired, I thanked each one for the journey they had taken me on before I placed it in the box. Happy nesting!

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I support you coming into your own in your post-divorce life!

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Your space is beautiful!

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Thank you!

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What a stunning transformation and that art piece is like a piece of the sky. I also enjoyed reading this more personal piece. Enjoy your lovely new office Kristi.

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Thank you, my friend.

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I love the new look. Tastefully done and inspiring.

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Thank you!

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Well done creating a gorgeous office Kristi!

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I can really relate to how squeezed it can feel when adult children come back home. We currently have three here and so my office is now my bedroom. I am in the process of rearranging it a little so I can go back in there to work. I have been working from our living room which is a thoroughfare, not just for the family, but also my husband's patients coming through to use the loo! They are lovely but most of them don't seem to consider that it is our home and I might not want to always engage. 😁

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Gorgeous office and read, Kristi! Loved your radio interview.

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That art really does make the space pop. Well done!

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