Congrats on the author meetup thingy! That's really cool. If I was in Austin, I'd definitely stop by to say hey.

Great quote from Eliza here:

"Listening is hard, especially in a world that values the person being listened to over the person doing the listening.”

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Very excited to meet other Substack writers in person, including Eliza!

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Let me know if y'all discuss the going paid part, too, of course. I'm sure you will have a blast!

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These are great prompts and I have been learning a great deal about Internal Family Systems and guided breathwork through an online program I began called The Whole Soul Way led by Deb Blum. I can see how this would fit well with intuitive eating. I am a committed journaler so I will add these prompts to different ones I explore each day and go even deeper into breathwork. Thank you!

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I'm so glad to hear you've found it helpful! 🙏

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Thanks for sharing your breathwork session, it sounds amazing. I wish I was closer (or even in the same country🤣) so I could go to your meet-up. Have a great time!

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Well, Donna, I would love to see Canada, so if you end up hosting one, let me know!

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Will do! How awesome would that be😀

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Kristi, I love breathwork! I've been doing it for years and have an online circle I do it with most Sunday afternoons. As well as tuning into my body, it also helps calm my monkey mind when I'm really having trouble focusing on writing. It's a game changer if you can sneak in a breathwork session before you work on your Substack posts.

And the more you often you give your parasympathetic nervous system a chance to rest and recalibrate through breathwork, the sessions build on each other. I'm so glad you tried it and wrote about it.

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Hi, What a great writing challenge! I find that listening to myself becomes more and more important all the time and that is one of my favorite questions: "what do I need right now?" Sometimes, the answer is as simple take a warm shower, other times the answer is more complex.

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Glad you found it helpful!

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