Here's what's funny (and I bet you've experience this too): I feel like I need a vacation from my vacation! Like, travel helps reset for sure (not 100% of the time because work tries to follow me everywhere I go), but travel is also exhausting, and if we just try to hit the ground running when we come back from a trip, it kind of sucks and causes more anxiety than if we had never left.

So, something like this seems to be the right kind of reset:

1. go somewhere for 7 days or so

2. return home at least 3 days before the normal "routine" starts back up

Exorbitant! But important.

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It's not vacation if you keep working. This is something I've had to learn the hard way, but maybe I've finally learned it. At least keep the work to the bare minimum. My ideal vacation schedule includes at least a half day to reset and plug back in, a day would be ideal, but that also feels like a luxury I don't usually get.

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I agree completely. Unfortunately, I've been unable to completely remove myself from everything related to the businesses. Part of the issue is that I have several different business partners. A partner-level crisis is a vacation full-stopper, unfortunately.

I am optimistic that I can have these sorts of crises behind me completely within a couple of years, though.

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I totally get it. What a difference it makes though! Are you looking at any kind of time off from writing during the holidays? I'm planning content now and going to move down to one day a week on the weeks of Christmas and New Years, so I can get a little much-needed reset.

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No to time off from writing - it's like the best part of my day, and my OCD insists on it for now - but what I might do gradually is less interacting and networking (although I really enjoy helping folks!).

Your plan sounds sensible and solid, though! And, I will continue to work on actually taking legit breaks from my businesses. I'll get there.

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Oooh I love this technique and I can’t wait to try it. If I may share something my prenatal yoga teacher taught me that has been a game changer: inhaling deeply as you spread your fingers of both hands and clenching as you exhale. Focusing on the movement and linking it to the breath instantly brings me to the present moment and forces me to be here in the now. I strongly recommend it!

The perfect reset for me is yoga.

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I will definitely try this! Thank you for sharing.

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Long walks alone is my "go-to" reset button. Especially at the beach. (No beaches here in Austin but when I have them close by that's what I do.) I'm also intrigued because it sounds like you were just at a Martha Beck workshop?? I'm reading the Way of Integrity. Loving her.

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This Martha Beck meditation is my very favorite. Well, it's not exactly hers as it was researched in a University I believe, but I always think of it as hers.

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Turning off our monkey minds and especially turning down the volume of the inner critic is hard for me but what always works wonders as my reset button is to head to the beach. I am very lucky to live on Florida's Gulf Coast, a 10 min drive from a lovely beach, and the water, sand, sun and some gorgeous sunsets, a terrific playlist, always get my feet moving and my heart pumping and my spirit singing. I liked the simple trick, too. Another thing i now do automatically is whenever I feel my nervous system disreglated, I put my hand to my heart and take three deep breaths. The hand to the heart can be done any time--in the car, in a conversation with someone, in a meeting. People don't noice and you are instantly soothed!

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I’m so in need of the reset button and am planning the time from Christmas to the New Year to be just that. No screens, no work and just time to rest, read eat and whatever else takes our fancy. Can’t wait!

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