Kristi, first: Don't stop with Almost Sated. What you're doing here is very important and could be very well saving or at least dramatically changing lives. It is certainly meaningful to me as I start to edge back to the 30 pounds I lost over two years after a horrible transition year of divorce and dementia caregiving that left little time for focusing on my self, including how I fed myself and exercise level. I want to learn more about intuitive eating and you are helping me to do so. Second, well done on two newsletters a week! I see I am not the only (over?) ambitious writer here, since that's what I committed to when I launched my Substack in October. Third, enjoyed the interview with Jamie. And wanted to point out that Glennon Doyle talks about her atypical anorexia and her recovery frequently and openly on her podcast. She thought she suffered from bulimia all these years when a doctor finally told her it was anorexia, even though she was "normal" weight. It was the dysfunctional patterns of course that fit the diagnosis. Like Jamie, this diagnosis and subsequent treatment seems to be helping her immensely!

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Thanks, Amy, I appreciate it so much. I know it's valuable. It's just not always easy. And congrats on committing to writing two newsletters a week. The pace can be challenging, especially because I do quite a bit of writing for other clients as part of my "day job" in content marketing.

I am less familiar with atypical anorexia, since both of my daughters were diagnosed with anorexia, but even still my oldest had people comment on her body in the height of her illness and tell her she didn't look like she was anorexic. This is probably the worst thing you can tell someone suffering from an eating disorder. It just reinforces the idea that they're not doing enough to fit the thin ideal.

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I also have a day job of business writing, so I get it. But I love the writing I am doing on Substack. It's a joy, where I can really exercise my creativity. And thanks for informing all of us about how to be more sensitive about eating disorders.

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