Welcome to Almost Sated, where freedom from diets and restrictions begins.

This is a safe space for those transitioning to intuitive eating and seeking body liberation after a lifetime of dieting and restriction.

Here, I share what it’s really like to detox from diet culture and transition to intuitive eating—the celebrations and the struggles. I also chronicle other people’s stories of quitting diets for those of you seeking inspiration and support for your own journey.

I'm not a coach, therapist, or dietitian. I'm a growth-minded, 40-something woman on a quest to reclaim my own autonomy after being told how to eat, what to think, and how to live in a world that demands we fit inside one very small box.

This isn’t just about diets.  

It’s about the personal growth that happens when we let go of what everyone else says we should be doing and start believing in ourselves. 

It’s about what happens when we stop measuring our worth by our appearance.

It’s about what happens when we reclaim ourselves. 

Join me as we navigate this space. Together, we’ll challenge diet culture, rewrite the narrative, and embrace a more compassionate and empowering approach to wellness. Welcome to Almost Sated, where freedom from diets and restrictions truly begins!

All subscribers get a weekly serving of Almost Sated: 

  • Articles or essays to help support and inspire your personal growth, mid-life awakening and body liberation.

  • Occasional Q&As with fellow women who have quit diets—and what they’ve learned about themselves in the process.

If you believe in the mission, support this work with a paid subscription. You get:

  • Private chats among community members to talk about challenges in detoxing from diet culture, body acceptance and intuitive eating.

  • Occasional journal prompts and thought exercises meant to cultivate self-acceptance and somatic wisdom. Here is an example!

  • Full access to all of my posts and archives.

Life-time members get all of the above plus: 

  • A no-BS chat about what to expect when you transition to intuitive eating (or anything else you want to talk about).

  • A personal shout-out twice a year in this newsletter.

Kristi Koeter

My name is Kristi Koeter. I’m a content marketer and former online newspaper editor (I ran my hometown newspaper’s websites, Statesman.com and Austin360.com). I’m a wife and a mother to three children, two of whom are in recovery from anorexia, and I was a lifelong dieter who struggled with my weight and my self-worth. It was during my daughter’s relapse that I quit diets for good and began intuitive eating.

I started this newsletter to chronicle my own experience detoxing from diets and diet culture, the victories, the self-discoveries and the challenges that come from not dieting in a thin-obsessed world. 

Now, I share my stories—along with the insights I’ve learned—to help guide you on your path to body liberation and awakening. 

I also share the stories of other women who have quit diets and what they’ve learned in the process. By sharing these stories, I hope other women will find inspiration and support in their own journeys toward body liberation. 

Together, we’re building a community of like-minded women who are working to reclaim their bodies and their selves. 

The journey to reclaim yourself is long, but the rewards are worth it.

Subscribe to Almost Sated

Boldly pursuing the best version of midlife. Real talk about detoxing from diet culture, redefining self-worth beyond body size and letting go of limiting beliefs.


Career journalist (former editor of Statesman.com), author, editor, content marketer and SEO. Finding my feelings after a lifetime of eating them.